Thursday 5 September 2013

Zero Waste Home - Tips Series 2

This week we present tips on how to reduce waste in laundry and cleaning where a hell lot of chemicals are used. Hope this will help you to reduce chemical waste and stick on to natural cleaning solutions that does less harm to our body and homes

Less we use chemicals, more we earn a better life. The homes in Chennai demands use of more natural cleaning agents since the climate is humid most of the months and the migrant population is increasing rapidly. The luxury homes in Chennai are now trying to adapt eco-friendly. 


  1. Welcome natural cleaning alternatives: A mix of lemon and vinegar on floors and sinks, homemade all purpose cleaner, baking soda for scrubbing jobs, and vinegar for mildew.
  2. Welcome alternative house cleaning tools: a metal scourer on stainless, a wooden brush for light scrubbing, an old toothbrush for hard to reach places and microfiber cloths for everything else (counters, floor, fridge, etc… for mirrors and windows, just add water… no window cleaner needed).
  3. Sweep your floors with a boar bristle or silk broom, wash with a wet microfiber mop and a few drops of lemon juice.
  4. Use worn-out clothing items made into rags on your non-washable messes (wax/auto grease/glue/caulk).
  5. Buy dishwasher detergent in bulk and use white vinegar as a rinsing aid.
  6. Let houseplants absorb toxins and clean your air. Open a window instead of plugging in an air freshener.
  7. Laundry washing once a week saves time and dryer energy costs, use a laundry detergent sold in bulk, full loads, and cold water cycles as much as possible. Dishwasher detergent, chalk, lemon or vinegar work great on stains.
  8. Dry on a line when possible.
  9. Iron fewer things and use a homemade starch in a stainless spray bottle.

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